Create Your Own git server

Table of Contents

[I] Create user Name git

useradd -m git -d /var/git -s (any shell bin path)

[II] Setup passwd of git user

 sudo passwd git

[III] Copy ssh pub key from already exist user or set your own

cp -r .ssh /git user home dir path...

[***]See the authorized_keys file Content

[IV] Make git user normal user to root user

 sudo usermod -aG sudo git

[V] Give Permissions and Change Ownership of .ssh dir

sudo chmod 700 .ssh && sudo chmod 600 authorized_keys

sudo chown git .ssh && sudo chown git .ssh/authorized_keys

[VI] Add user or group of in /usr/ssh/sshd_config file allowuser or allowgroups *username

 sudo usermod -aG ssh-access *user_name 

 vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

[VI] rstart the sshd deamon

 service sshd restart

[VI] Create Bare Repo for Git server

 git init --bare /projects/*.git

[VII] push and ferch url

  git remote add (remote name) git@hostname:projects/*.git

[^_^] Now you can push and Fetch the repo using thie url


So, Creating git server in your home in very easy…

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